
How to Create a Good CV that Screams ‘Hire Me!’

Published by
Arvind Vajpayee

Want to create a good CV that gets you noticed? If you’re sending out lots of job applications but your phone stays silent, you might be wondering, “What’s going wrong?” The issue could be your CV, or maybe you’re using a resume when you should be using a CV. Confused? You’re not alone. This guide will clear up the difference between CV and resume, show you how to make each one stand out, and help you figure out where you might be going wrong. So, if you’re ready to create a CV that gets results, keep reading.

CV vs Resume: Difference Between CV and Resume

When it comes to the job hunt, there’s a lot of confusion about the difference between CV and resume. Let’s get one thing straight — a CV and a resume are not the same. While both serve the purpose of landing you a job, they differ in structure, length, and focus.

Yeah, you heard it right both documents are used in job applications, but they serve different purposes, contain different information, and are used in different contexts. So, let’s break down the nitty-gritty details of each to help you decide which one you should be using for your next job application.

The Curriculum Vitae (CV):

What is a CV?

A CV is a comprehensive document that serves as a detailed roadmap of your academic and professional journey. Originating from the Latin term for “course of life,” a CV is designed to be a thorough record.

Length and Depth

  • Length: CVs are generally longer, often exceeding two pages.
  • Depth: They are exhaustive, covering your entire career, including academic milestones, research endeavors, publications, and even seminars and workshops you’ve attended.

Content Focus

  • Academic Emphasis: CVs are heavy on scholarly achievements. This includes educational history, thesis work, research projects, publications, and academic honors.
  • Career Overview: Work experience is included but is often secondary to academic accomplishments.

Flexibility and Customization

  • Structure: A good CV has a more rigid structure, often categorized into sections like “Education,” “Publications,” “Conferences,” etc.
  • Global Usage: CVs are the standard in Europe, Asia, Africa, and parts of the Middle East, especially for academic, research, and scientific roles.

Additional Elements

  • References: CVs often include a section for references, which is uncommon in resumes.
  • Courses and Certifications: Detailed lists of relevant courses, workshops, and certifications are more commonly found in CVs.
  • Languages: Proficiency in multiple languages is usually detailed in a CV, especially for roles that require multilingual skills.

The Resume:

What is a Resume?

A resume is a concise, tailored document focused on showcasing your qualifications for a specific job. The term “resume” is derived from the French word “résumé,” meaning “summary,” which encapsulates its purpose.

Length and Depth

  • Length: Resumes are short and sweet, usually capping at one or two pages.
  • Depth: They provide a snapshot of your career, emphasizing skills and experiences directly relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Content Focus

  • Job-Specific: Resumes are laser-focused on the job at hand, highlighting only the skills and experiences that make you the ideal candidate.
  • Skill Highlight: Resumes are your stage to shine, spotlighting both hard and soft skills.

Flexibility and Adaptability

  • Structure: Resumes are highly flexible, allowing you to change formats, layouts, and content focus depending on the job.
  • North American Preference: In the United States and Canada, resumes are the go-to document for job applications in corporate and non-academic sectors.

Additional Elements

  • Objective Statement: Resumes often start with an objective or summary statement, providing a quick pitch of your qualifications.
  • Metrics: Resumes frequently use quantifiable metrics to demonstrate achievements, such as “increased sales by 30%” or “led a team of 15.”
  • Keywords: Resumes are often optimized for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) by including keywords from the job description.

Whether you opt for a CV or a resume depends on various factors, including the job you’re applying for, your career stage, and the country you’re in. Armed with this knowledge, you can now make an informed decision and craft a document that not only represents you effectively but also catches the eye of your future employer.

How to Create a Good CV That Tells Your Story

Creating a perfect CV is more than just listing your qualifications on a piece of paper. It’s about presenting a comprehensive picture of who you are professionally. This section will guide you through the process of writing a CV that not only meets the employer’s needs but also showcases your unique skills and experiences.

Building Blocks of a Professional CV:

Writing a CV that stands out starts with a strong foundation. Think of these building blocks as the essential elements that will shape your CV into a compelling narrative of your professional journey.

1. Self-Assessment:

Before you put pen to paper, take a moment to reflect on your career path, skills, and aspirations. This self-assessment is crucial because it helps you identify what you bring to the table. It’s not just about your technical skills; it’s also about your soft skills, values, and how they align with your career goals.

2. List Your Skills:

Your skills are the bricks that build the structure of your CV. These can range from technical skills like coding or project management to soft skills like communication and teamwork. Don’t just list them — provide context. For example, instead of saying “good at sales,” you could say “increased quarterly revenue by 15%.”

3. Special Achievements:

Have you received any awards or recognitions? These special achievements serve as the cornerstones that add credibility to your CV. Whether it’s “Employee of the Month” or a professional certification, make sure to include these accolades.

4. Work Experience:

Your work history provides the structural integrity to your CV. List your roles in reverse chronological order, focusing on responsibilities and achievements in each position. Use action verbs to describe what you’ve done, such as “managed,” “designed,” or “implemented.”

5. Educational Background:

Your educational qualifications act like the insulation in a building — necessary but not the sole focus. Include not just your degrees but also any relevant courses, workshops, or seminars you’ve attended. This shows your commitment to continuous learning.

6. Extracurricular Activities:

Just like a building needs aesthetic touches, a good CV benefits from the inclusion of extracurricular activities. Whether it’s volunteering, a hobby, or a sport, these activities can provide a fuller picture of who you are.

7. Languages Spoken:

In today’s globalized world, being multilingual can be a significant asset. List the languages you speak and your level of proficiency. This could be the detail that sets you apart from other candidates.

8. Publications and Presentations:

If you’ve published articles, papers, or even blog posts relevant to your field, list them. The same goes for presentations or talks you’ve given. This section showcases your depth of knowledge and positions you as a thought leader.

9. References:

While not always required, references can serve as testimonials to your skills and character. Choose people who can vouch for your qualifications, and make sure to ask their permission before listing them.

10. Digital Footprint:

In this digital age, your online presence can be an extension of your CV. Include links to your LinkedIn profile, online portfolio, or any other professional platforms that could strengthen your application.

11. Personal Branding:

Your CV should reflect your personal brand — the qualities or characteristics that make you unique. This could be your problem-solving ability, your knack for innovation, or your leadership style. Make sure this comes through in the language and tone of your CV.

12. Future Aspirations:

While not common, some people choose to include a brief section outlining their future aspirations. This can give potential employers an idea of your ambition and where you see yourself in the years to come.

By giving due attention to these building blocks, you’ll create a good CV that’s not just a list of qualifications but a compelling story of your professional life. Remember, a well-crafted CV can be the key that unlocks the door to your dream job.

How to Create ATS-Friendly CV:

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are like the gatekeepers of the job world. They can either open the door for you or slam it shut. Here’s how to make sure your CV gets past these digital doormen.

1. Understand the Company and the Job:

Before you even start typing, get to know the company and the role inside out. Tailor your CV to match what the employer is looking for. A generic CV is a surefire way to get your application tossed.

2. Choose the Right Format:

ATS systems love clean, straightforward formatting. Stick to classic fonts like Arial or Times New Roman, and keep your headings and bullet points consistent. This makes it easier for the system to scan your CV.

3. Keywords:

Incorporate keywords from the job description into your CV. These could range from specific skills to job titles or even equipment you know how to use. The more your CV aligns with the job description, the higher your ATS match score will be.

4. File Format:

Believe it or not, the file format of your CV can make a difference. Stick to standard formats like .docx or .pdf. Avoid sending your CV as an image file or using headers and footers, as some ATS systems can’t read them.

5. Skill Matching:

Some ATS systems rank candidates based on how well their skills match the job description. Make sure both your hard and soft skills are clearly listed and align with what’s required for the job.

6. Avoid Graphics and Images:

While a picture might be worth a thousand words, in the world of ATS, it’s worth zero. Graphics, images, and other visual elements can confuse the system, leading to a lower match score or even outright rejection.

7. Use Standard Job Titles:

If your previous job had a unique or unconventional title, consider changing it to a more standard industry term. This makes it easier for the ATS to match your experience with the job requirements.

8. Bullet Points Over Paragraphs:

ATS systems find it easier to scan bullet points than dense paragraphs. Use bullet points to list your skills, experiences, and achievements. This not only helps the ATS but also makes your CV easier to read for human recruiters.

9. Include a Skills Section:

Create a separate section solely for your skills. This makes it easier for the ATS to identify your qualifications and also allows human recruiters to quickly assess if you’re a good fit for the role.

10. Check for Spelling and Grammar:

ATS systems are unforgiving when it comes to spelling and grammatical errors. A single mistake can mean the difference between your CV being shortlisted or discarded. Always proofread and consider using a spellcheck tool.

By mastering these ATS-friendly CV tips, you’re not just playing the game— you’re playing to win. Your CV will not only pass the automated screening but will also be well-optimized for human eyes. After all, the ultimate goal is to impress not just the bots but the people who hold the keys to your next career move.

The Final Touches:

So you’ve done the hard work — listed your skills, tailored your CV to the job, and even got past the ATS system. But before you hit that ‘send’ button, there are a few more things you need to check off your list. These final touches can make all the difference between a CV that’s good and one that’s unforgettable.

1. Proofreading:

You might think a small typo or a grammatical error is no big deal, but to an employer, it can be a red flag. It suggests a lack of attention to detail. So, go through your CV multiple times to catch any mistakes. Better yet, have someone else look it over too. Fresh eyes can often spot errors you might have missed. Also, as we already noted, ATS systems don’t tolerate a single mistake in your CV.

2. Keep it Short and Sweet:

You might have a lot to say, but a CV isn’t the place to write your autobiography. Keep it focused and to the point. If you’re just starting out in your career, aim for a one-page CV. For those with more experience, two to three pages should be your limit. Remember, recruiters have to go through hundreds of CVs, so make every word count.

3. Customization:

It’s tempting to send the same CV for every job application, but that’s a mistake. Each job has its own set of requirements, and each company its own culture. Take a few minutes to tweak your CV for each application. Highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the specific job. This shows the employer that you’ve done your homework and that you’re genuinely interested in the role.

4. Contact Information:

This might sound like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people forget to include up-to-date contact information. Double-check your phone number and email address. Also, consider adding a link to your LinkedIn profile, but only if it’s up to date and professional.

It’s these small details that can set you apart from the crowd and get your foot in the door. So take that extra time to give your CV the finishing touches it deserves. After all, first impressions last, and your CV is often your first impression with a potential employer.

Best Tools to Create a CV:

Today, there’s a variety of software and platforms designed to help you create a CV that not only looks professional but also passes through Applicant Tracking Systems with ease. Let’s dive into some of these tools:

1. Microsoft Word

  • What It Offers: A classic choice that comes with a range of templates.
  • Why Use It: It’s widely accessible and offers spellcheck and formatting options.
  • Pro Tip: Stick to simple templates to ensure ATS compatibility.

2. Google Docs

  • What It Offers: Cloud-based document editing with real-time collaboration.
  • Why Use It: Easy to use, and you can access your CV from any device.
  • Pro Tip: Use the ‘Comments’ feature to get instant feedback from mentors or peers.

3. Canva

  • What It Offers: A design platform with a focus on visual appeal.
  • Why Use It: If you’re in a creative field, Canva helps your CV stand out with unique designs.
  • Pro Tip: Keep it professional. Too much flair can be distracting.

4. LinkedIn

  • What It Offers: A professional networking site that can convert your profile into a CV.
  • Why Use It: Saves time and ensures that your online and paper profiles are consistent.
  • Pro Tip: Keep your LinkedIn profile updated so that your CV will be current when you download it.

5. Specialized Websites

  • Examples:, Adobe Express, ResumeGenius, MyPerfectResume
  • What They Offer: Tailored templates and guided walkthroughs for CV creation.
  • Why Use Them: These sites offer industry-specific templates and tips.
  • Pro Tip: Some of these services are paid, so make sure to review their pricing plans.

6. Mobile Apps

  • Examples: Resume Builder by Nobody, Resume Star, VisualCV
  • What They Offer: The convenience of creating and editing your CV on the go.
  • Why Use Them: Ideal for quick edits and last-minute applications.
  • Pro Tip: Always double-check formatting when transferring to a different device.

Choosing the right CV creation tool depends on your needs, the industry you’re in, and the stage of your career. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a fresh graduate, these tools offer something for everyone. So go ahead and pick one of these tools for creating a perfect CV.

The Cherry on Top: Cover Letter

What is a Cover Letter?

A cover letter is a one-page document that accompanies your CV when you apply for a job. Think of it as your personal pitch to the employer. It’s your chance to introduce yourself, explain why you’re the perfect fit for the role, and persuade the hiring manager to read your CV.

Why is it Important?

While your CV lists your qualifications, skills, and work history, a cover letter tells your story. It gives you the opportunity to connect the dots for the employer and show how your background makes you the ideal candidate for the job. It’s also the first piece of writing the employer will see from you, so it sets the tone for your application.

How to Craft an Effective Cover Letter

1. Understand the Job and Company

Before you start writing, do your homework. Research the company, its culture, and the specific role you’re applying for. This will help you tailor your cover letter to the job and show that you’ve put in the effort to understand what they’re looking for.

2. Start Strong

Your opening paragraph should grab the reader’s attention. Start by stating the job you’re applying for and how you heard about it. Then, use a sentence or two to show your enthusiasm for the role.

3. Highlight Relevant Experience

In the body of the letter, focus on experiences and skills that are directly related to the job description. Use specific examples to demonstrate how you’ve successfully performed similar tasks in the past. This is your chance to show the employer that you’re not just qualified but also a great fit for the team.

4. Show Your Value

Employers want to know what you can bring to the table. Highlight how your unique skills and experiences make you the best candidate for the job. Use numbers or metrics to quantify your achievements when possible, like “increased sales by 30%” or “led a team of 5.”

5. Be Professional Yet Personable

While it’s important to maintain a professional tone, don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through. Employers are not just hiring a set of skills; they’re also looking for a person who will fit into their team culture.

6. Close with a Call to Action

In your closing paragraph, express your enthusiasm for the role and the opportunity to discuss your application further. Invite the employer to contact you for an interview and thank them for considering your application.

Your CV is more than a piece of paper; it’s a snapshot of your professional journey. It’s the key that unlocks doors to opportunities. So take your time, invest effort, and create a CV that truly reflects who you are.

Arvind Vajpayee

Arvind Vajpayee is a talented freelance writer who specializes in covering current events. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for staying on top of the latest news and trends, Arvind brings a unique perspective to every story they write. With a diverse range of interests and a commitment to honest and accurate reporting, Arvind is a valuable addition to the team at Ploxpop. Whether it's breaking news, in-depth analysis, or thought-provoking commentary, Arvind's writing is sure to inform and entertain readers.

Published by
Arvind Vajpayee

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